FUSS Community

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This page is dedicated to schools, educational institutions, organizations and environments/areas where FUSS is used, studied, shared and improved.

If you want to be part of our community, don’t hesitate to contact us! We will help you move away from proprietary software lock-ins towards a sustainable digitalization process based on Free Software.

Below is the list of members in the FUSS Community. If you are not listed, please let us know.

  • All primary and secondary public schools in Italian language of the Autonomous Province of Bozen-Bolzano (11 istituti comprensivi, 4 istituti pluricomprensivi, 9 secondary schools):
    • Istituto comprensivo Bassa Atesina
    • Istituto comprensivo Bolzano I – Centro storico
    • Istituto comprensivo Bolzano II – Don Bosco
    • Istituto comprensivo Bolzano III – Viale Trieste
    • Istituto comprensivo Bolzano IV – Oltrisarco
    • Istituto comprensivo Bolzano V – Gries 1
    • Istituto comprensivo Bolzano VI – Via Rovigo
    • Istituto comprensivo Bolzano – Europa 2
    • Istituto comprensivo Laives I
    • Istituto comprensivo Merano I
    • Istituto comprensivo Merano II
    • Istituto pluricomprensivo Bolzano-Europa 1
    • Istituto pluricomprensivo Bressanone
    • Istituto pluricomprensivo Brunico – Val Pusteria
    • Istituto pluricomprensivo Vipiteno – Alta Val d´Isarco
    • Istituto di istruzione secondaria di II grado “Galileo Galilei” - Bolzano
    • Istituto di istruzione secondaria di II grado “Gandhi” - Merano
    • Istituto di istruzione secondaria di II grado - Bressanone
    • Istituto di istruzione secondaria di II grado per le scienze umane, i servizi e il turismo “C. de’ Medici” - Bolzano
    • Istituto Tecnico Economico “Cesare Battisti” - Bolzano
    • Istituto tecnico per le costruzioni, l’ambiente e il territorio “A. e P. Delai” - Bolzano
    • Liceo “Evangelista Torricelli” - Bolzano
    • Liceo “Giosuè Carducci” - Bolzano
    • Liceo “Giovanni Pascoli” - Bolzano
  • III Circolo delle scuola dell’infanzia di Bolzano
  • Liceo paritario delle scienze applicate allo sport “G. Toniolo”;
  • Scuola di Musica in lingua italiana “Vivaldi”;
  • Liceo Statale “Niccolò Rodolico” di Firenze;
  • Istituto Professionale “E. Cornaro” per i Servizi di Enogastronomia e Ospitalità Alberghiera di Jesolo;
  • Liceo Scientifico “Savoia Benincasa di Ancona;
  • IISS “Bruno Munari” di Castelmassa (Rovigo).

FUSS was also adopted by some of Bolzano’s preschools whose computer equipment, often dated, mounted insecure versions of proprietary operating systems. Several requests came to the FUSS Team in which directors emphasized the need for up-to-date, usable systems for teachers.

FUSS is used as a reference distribution by the SchoolSwap project in the Province of Bolzano; this digital sustainability and solidarity project aims to recover PCs from firms or public agencies to give them for free to students and families who need a computer to study or work.

During the period of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to recover used desktop PCs and laptops to provide to workers in the public and private sectors for smart working, allowed the further dissemination of FUSS as a lightweight operating system suitable for the reuse of computers otherwise no longer usable with proprietary operating systems.


FSFE Infographic 1

FSFE Infographic 2